Tuesday, September 26, 2006

E-mail Follow-Up- "Cheating"

Dear Poetiq Expression,

Well you asked me to keep you posted and I am. I caught my boyfriend in the bed with another man. It was harsh and it hurt me to death. Yet it helped me move on. I am currently seeing another man who seems way better then my ex's dumb ass. I am happy. Thanks for the advice!



I am so elated that you've decided to move on. It's sad to say but you've already got other females to compete with on a daily basis, but you can't compete with a man. It can't be done. That guy was giving your bf something you'll never be able to give him. Actually, he was giving your man three things that you couldn't.

My only concern is that you are moving into a relationship too fast. Take some time to feel yourself out. What makes you happy with YOU? Look at yourself in the mirror, smile and say, "I know I look flyy." Because you do. You need to heal by yourself first. If you allow a man to enter your life too quickly, you'll end up making him pay for your ex's mistakes. He doesn't deserve that. Then you'll be writing me another e-mail advice question saying, "I'm driving me new boyfriend away. What should I do?" Let's spare ourselves the constant typing and future of receiving carpel tunnel by you keeping the dating on a maximum and the going out on a minimum. Trust me on this one, babe. As always, keep your head up. Love, peace and empathy!

*You can find Marsha's original post at the following link: Marsha's First Post. As always, if you have any questions that are burning within you, a story to tell or advice to give, please e-mail me at lrl.advice@hotmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you. Your e-mail may be published on Usavoice.org!

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