Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Britney Breaks Down Because of Love

Britney Spears has become a fixture on the nightclub circuit since her split in November from her then husband, Kevin Federline, a former backup dancer.

We all know about her cutting session, and we'll sympathize with her and say she's gotten a makeover (yeah... Makeover). But we all know it seems as if she'd having a nervous breakdown.

In case you didn't hear about the head shaving incident- if you have and never want to hear about it again, no problem just skip on to the next blog entry. I have more topics to browse through- here it is:

Spears' G.I. Jane-like Friday night began in the salon of Esther Tognozzi, who told the T.V. gossip show "Extra" that the beautician was afraid to shave Spears' head in case she was sued for ruining the singer's image.

After Tognozzi protested that Spears was maybe being "hormonal" and would feel differently the next day, Spears coolly "grabbed the buzzer and started shaving her own hair off. ... I just cleaned it up when she was done with it," she said.

Did her divorce has something to do with these wild antics? The transformation came on the same day People magazine and other entertainment media reported that Spears recently entered a rehabilitation center in the Caribbean island of Antigua and checked out a day later. But, as usual, the reports were denied by Spears' representatives.

It's amazing to see an individual mentally breakdown from love gone bad. Though I've never known anyone personally who shaved off their hair when they've been DUMPED, I've seen some crazy reactive actions from people.

And don't bother trying to go to the singer's website, it's closed down for the moment. Hopefully it's receiving a makeover like the former mouseketeer.

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