Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The "Key" To A Stronger Relationship

When giving your mate the key to your home, is it the same as giving them the full key to your heart? When giving your heart to someone, there is a slight amount of caution involved, especially if you’ve ever been in a relationship and it failed.

But why does a key mean so much? When my girlfriend and I first started to get closer I would spend the night over her house constantly as well as her spending the night over mine. Technically, we’d already moved in with each other. We were spending the night with one another for over nine months. This wasn’t a once in a while spend the night type of thing, it was a spend the night every single night type of thing.

The transition to roommates didn’t seem so awkward as most people expect it to seem, even though we were so happy to be sharing a place together. So what the hell does a key mean? When does symbolism go so far as to scare individuals off with a piece of metal. The same goes with white, diamond and crosses. You guessed it: A wedding. Why do men throw up, pass out and certain women stand up their own weddings? People say that it’s because they are going to be tied down for life. What the hell does that mean when so many people cry at their weddings, say, “I love you,” and then get a divorce?

Keys: fully giving up yourself or finding some bullshit to be afraid of? Give your input.

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Anonymous said...

You're 104 years of age? C'mon . . .

Poetiq Expression said...

No, I am not 104 years of age. I just put that down when I first got the account. I'll make sure to change it so no one gets confused. LOL. Please feel free to browse the website and hopefully you'll find something helpful to you. Thanx for stopping by.

Terry J. Snipes

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info. I think that it takes strong will to sustain a relationship. I also think you should do a post on abusive relationships and how women can pull out of them.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Poetiq Expression said...

That's funny how you ask for a post about abusive relationships. Currently, I am writing a post on that topic. I will be posting it shortly. Thanks for the kind words.

Terry J. Snipes